Displaying 1 - 16 of 39858

Five-year-old Kaylee Turley had a severe brain bleed nearly kill her and was miraculously healed.

How God’s Hand Delivered Her From Danger

Israel destroys more Gaza tunnels. Seas damage Gaza’s U.S.-built aid pier. Jewish and Christian university students visit Israel to see war’s impact...

Israel destroys more Gaza tunnels. Seas damage Gaza’s U.S.-built aid pier. Jewish and Christian university students visit Israel to see war’s impact...

Faith Nation — Trump’s Conviction Shakes Up the Presidential Election & A Special Look at Efforts to Protect Christians Around the Globe — 5/31/24

KRISS - What is the red heifer sacrifice about? And does it affect the Muslim religion? ELAINE - Do you believe special needs children and adults...

Republicans blast and Democrats support guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump, and legal analysts say the decision could well be...

Republicans blast and Democrats support guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump, and legal analysts say the decision could well be...

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 31, 2024

Faith Nation – Israel Claims Controls Key Border Zone With Egypt & Cyber Attacks Target the US Healthcare System – 5/30/24

Elections & Canada government compromised by communist China; Forgiveness...

Mernistyne received a heavenly vision that will reassure believers of God's beauty and peace.

On today’s Newsmakers, Taylor Swift’s dark turn, a dystopian future, and potential threats of AI.

Author Ryan George shares the thriving and contagious faith he discovered after experiencing deep church wounds. Learn how you can find this same...

Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Israel gains control of the strategically important Philadelphi Corridor, along with evidence it’s been a pipeline for Hamas in its war against...


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